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Guru Nanak Dev is the founder of Sikhism and the first Guru of Sikhs. He was born on the day of Kartik Purnima in Talwandi (now Pakistan), a village on the banks of river Ravi. Nanak was of religious instinct since childhood. In Sikhism, Guru also celebrates Nanak’s birthday as Prakash Parv, although there are differences among many scholars regarding his birthday. On Guru Nanak Jayanti, you can send these greeting messages to your loved ones:
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Gurpurab Video Status Download
We Have Collected some Guru Nanak Jayanti (Gurpurab) Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Status, Greetings, Images for you, hope you will like, so please share Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti (Gurpurab) Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Status, Greetings, Images with your family and friends and also update your social media status with Guru Nanak Jayanti (Gurpurab) Festival.

Guru Nanak Dev’s good deeds We will always show you the way With the knowledge of Master Everyone will be spoiled. Best wishes to Guru Nanak Jayanti
-वाहेगुरु का आशीष सदा, मिले ऐसी कमाना है हमारी, गुरु की कृपा से आएगी, घर घर में ख़ुशहाली.
-गुरु नानक देव जी के सद्कर्म, हमें सदा दिखाएंगे राह, वाहे गुरु के ज्ञान से, सबके बिगड़े हुए कामकाज बन जाएंगे, गुरु नानक जयंती की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं.