Children’s day ‘baal diwas’ means ‘children’s day’. Children are the real property of a country. These children are the masters of tomorrow. Children who are the tender buds of today are the blossoming flowers of tomorrow. It means to say that children still have today and tomorrow too. Therefore, every country has a duty to pay proper attention to the all round development of the children of its country. Keeping these things in mind, ‘Children’s Day’ is celebrated every year on 14 November in our country.

November 14 is also the birthday of the first Prime Minister of independent India, the late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Pt. Nehru was adored by the lovely children who rose like roses and rose flowers. That is why he celebrated his birthday as Children’s Day. The children themselves loved Nehru very much and he used to fondly call him ‘Chacha Nehru’. Nehru often used to mix with children. Pt. Nehru loved children so much that he used to take time for children even when he was very busy. Not only this, sometimes after seeing any child on the way, they stopped their car and picked up that child in the dock and called and started talking to him.
The purpose of celebrating Children’s Day is also that children are the future of their country, so special attention should be given to their upbringing, education, initiation, progress and development etc. They should not be exploited at any level. To fulfill these objectives, Children’s Day is also organized.
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Celebrations are organized in schools on this occasion. On this occasion, programs of poetry, songs, plays, speeches etc. are organized by the children and sports competitions are also organized in many schools. Winning students in those competitions are also rewarded. On behalf of the Department of Education in Delhi, this day is collectively celebrated at the National Stadium, where selected students from all schools gather and choose their own. Programs are presented to the audience.
Many children on this day ‘peace forest’ at the tomb of their beloved uncle Nehru. We offer reverence to Suman and promise to follow the path described by uncle Nehru. On this day, children are given ‘Rose Flower’ and sweets. Thus, ‘Children’s Day’ is organized with joy and entertainment.